Monday, August 15, 2011

I am not unloyal

Guy  iam takeing a break from tootsville since greendaysxo has been so mean to me tonight i just need to think.......... med please dont be mad or anyone else i need to think why green is so mean to me he wonders why  i cal lhim mean .......... well cuz he is! anyways ill be back monday...


  1. dude stop being so dramatic. tootsville is just a ******** game!!!!!!!!!!! stop being so serious about it, sheesh. but greenday really IS mean, lol.

  2. I agree with Juan....kind of. Don't let Green push your buttons. If Green wants to be a jerk, so be it. That doesn't mean you have to go along with him. Just ignore him the best you can and hopefully, eventually he will back off of you. If he doesn't you should tell someone; cyberbullying is WRONG!!! He's probably jealous of you or something.

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