Monday, August 15, 2011

Unloyal toots

Well today i was reading some tootsville blog's and we have some unloyal toot who want to quit so what if the mt's dont come online much there is still plenty to do who cares if the games are gltiched! No one besides unloyal toots. Well if you quit you will be a unloyal toot. Just think about aall the good times you had! Then think do i really want to quit? do i want to be unloyal? Well i would pick not in a millon years, So rember when your unloyal your unloyal so think before you quit.

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly why we need to have these Tootsville Board Meetings so we can bring people back! I don't understand why a bunch of people left because Tootsville changed; what's wrong with the change? Yes, it's not EXACTLY like old Tootsville but we can still have some fun like we did in old Tootsville! Another reason I think a lot of people are quiting because their friends have quit. Who wants to be on a social networking site where your friends aren't there?? I love Tootsville, and we loyal Toots should DO SOMETHING to bring back the place that we love!! (And I'm not saying that we should bring back the old Tootsville....)
